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Nutrinal™ Numax Lozenge Dietary Supplement Product Full of fragrance, refreshingly strong scents with L-tyrosine, Persimmon Extract and Vitamin C


S.O.D More (Sachet)

S.O.D MORE Extraordinary antioxidants in SOD Enzyme (Superoxide dismutase) filled with potent phytonutrients selected from over 125 types of fruits and vegetables that have been processed for 180 days.


Multivitamin and Minerals

Multivitamins & Minerals replenish your daily intake of vitamins and minerals. Rich in 14 types of vitamins and 12 minerals with Astaxanthin extract that are beneficial to the body.



Men's dietary supplements are rich in beneficial nutrients and natural extracts. It helps to improve internal energy and strengthen the body.


Phytovy Liv

Phytovy Liv promotes the detoxification of the intestines and liver and eliminates toxins. Antibac Innovation that developed with herbal extracts is guaranteed by the Grand Prize Innovation Award in Korea and the FIR technology is to remove bacteria. Antibac is rich in various types of probiotics that help balance the function of the intestines and strengthen the immune system.


Sweet Night

Nutrinal Sweet Night dietary supplement product offers sleep well to ensure you stay fresh all day long. Effective in reducing stress and anxiety. Helps relax mood and thoughts, improves insomnia and improves the quality of sleep.


Nutriga Canza

Nutriga Canza is an innovation from the combination of “nutrition” from food and “pharmaceutical” from medicine which is known as Nutraceutical. Nutraceuticals define as “food, or parts of a food, that provide medical or health benefits. Furthermore, lycopene found in fresh tomatoes is what gives them their red colour. The lycopene in tomatoes has antioxidant properties and helps prevent DNA and cell damage. It is one of the ingredients in Nutriga Canza. This ingredient inhibits the growth of cancer cells and stimulates the immune system.


Mores Collagen

It's a collagen supplement that is mixed with nutrients that are beneficial to the skin. Marine fish extractions can help moisturize the skin yet make the skin firmer and younger.



Nutrinal B4 dietary supplement that promotes fat metabolism for a healthy body.



Orysamin is integrated with Gamma Oryzanol from Japanese germ, rice bran, and sesamin extract from black sesame. With advanced technology, it has important nutrients that are full of value and prevent diseases.  Combines nutritional superiority from Japanese germ and rice bran. Highly advanced technology, important for supporting the immune system.
