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Phytovy (7 sachets)

Phytovy helps excrete waste and toxins in the intestines while controlling weight.


Nutriga Canza

Nutriga Canza is an innovation from the combination of “nutrition” from food and “pharmaceutical” from medicine which is known as Nutraceutical. Nutraceuticals define as “food, or parts of a food, that provide medical or health benefits. Furthermore, lycopene found in fresh tomatoes is what gives them their red colour. The lycopene in tomatoes has antioxidant properties and helps prevent DNA and cell damage. It is one of the ingredients in Nutriga Canza. This ingredient inhibits the growth of cancer cells and stimulates the immune system.


Sweet Night

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Brazillian Arabica Coffee (30Sachets)

A coffee mixed with collagen and fiber with Arabica flavor. It's a healthy coffee with weight control and is made from marine fish collagen. It gives out a fresh coffee aroma that is different from those in the market, at the same time keeping its healthy values.


T Chloro Plus

T Chloro Plus helps to reduce insecticide residues while providing oxygen to the body. 



Calcium is important for bone and teeth. It contains the nutrients of shark cartilage, magnesium, L-arginine, and Vitamin D which help to nourish joints and bone. 



Flow is for brain enrichment is to recover the nerve system and prevent Alzheimer's disease. 


S Vera Plus

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CLICK PLUS is a dietary supplement for women which helps to balance body hormones and improve the immune system leading to naturally smooth and bright skin.


Mores Collagen

It's a collagen supplement that is mixed with nutrients that are beneficial to the skin. Marine fish extractions can help moisturize the skin yet make the skin firmer and younger.
